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What We Do

Healthcare Quality Consulting

How can we do it better?

This question is the foundation of all quality improvement. Our team works with health care professionals, communities, and researchers to redesign processes, deliver higher quality, more equitable care, and sustain positive changes.

We guide change in healthcare in partnership with patients, healthcare organizations, and communities.

Our Services

Long-term Care Quality Improvement and Transformation

Practice Facilitation

Community and Population Health

Current Initiatives

Coverdell Stroke Program in Wisconsin

Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), MetaStar partners with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to implement the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Prevention Program (Coverdell), named for Georgia Senator Paul Coverdell who died of a stroke while serving in Congress. Coverdell facilitates improvement in stroke systems of care from partnering with emergency medical services (EMS), to support acute care, post-discharge care and rehabilitation.

In the U.S., stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and a leading cause of serious, long-term disability, with an estimated cost of $34 billion annually.

Every 40 seconds someone has a stroke in the US.
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In partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Medical College of Wisconsin, the WI-INTUIT project is a research program funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to help busy primary care practices screen for and manage urinary incontinence (UI) in female patients. This work involves evaluating the effectiveness of evidence-based education, resources, and support.


Urinary incontinence affects more than 60 percent of adult women, but most do not seek care.
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Rural Communities Opioid Response Program

MetaStar’s Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) RCORP project addresses prevention, treatment and recovery for opioid and other substance use disorders. MetaStar partnered with Sauk County to form the Sauk County Continuum of Care Consortium (S4C) to address the opioid epidemic in Sauk County. S4C convenes members from law enforcement, emergency medical services, healthcare, public health, social services, and others. S4C promotes healthier communities by strengthening and expanding prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services for people impacted by substance use in Sauk County.


In the last three years (2018 to 2020) the rate of opioid-related deaths in Wisconsin increased by nearly 47 percent.

Disclaimer: Grant # GA1RH42910; Program: Rural Health Outreach and Rural Network Development; Award: $1,000,000 (over three years) 9/1/21 through 8/31/24; Project: HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) Implementation Grant; Grantee/Applicant: MetaStar, Inc.; Period of Performance: 9/1/2021 through 8/31/2024 (36 mos.)
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Superior Health Quality Alliance

MetaStar supports the quality improvement priorities of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as part of Superior Health Quality Alliance. Superior Health works to improve the quality of health and health care for health care consumers, patients, clinicians, health care organizations and communities. Together, we work to improve health equity, reduce healthcare-associated infections, deploy seamless care transitions, prevent adverse drug events, and improve chronic disease care, including opioid use disorder, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease.

Decreased opioid adverse drug events in Medicare beneficiaries by 18 percent.
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Community-Academic Aging Research Network

MetaStar is a proud partner of the Community-Academic Aging Research Network (CAARN) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As a CAARN partner, we bring healthcare partners together with community partners and academic researchers to conduct research to improve the health of older adults and decrease health disparities. This partnership ensures our community is well represented in research and allows us to identify top local research priorities. Together with CAARN, we design and develop new programs to help older adults in our communities become healthier.

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Behavorial Health Connect

MetaStar provides no-cost technical support to Wisconsin Medicaid-enrolled behavioral health providers and organizations to implement, optimize, and improve the quality of care. All services are grant-funded by the Department of Health Services at no-charge to behavioral health organizations.

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To Learn More, Contact

Emily Nelson

Vice President of Healthcare Transformation

"Knowledgeable. Informative in a positive way. Understanding. Encouraging."

Coverdell Customer, Katie Stoltz, UW Hospital and Clinics
Past Successes

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) EvidenceNow initiatives.

Implementing research in healthcare settings is imperative to driving high-quality care. MetaStar is proud to have participated in three (of four) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) EvidenceNow initiatives. The AHRQ EvidenceNOW Model is a “blueprint for delivering external support to primary care practices to improve healthcare quality and implement new evidence into care delivery.” MetaStar has supported AHRQ EvidenceNOW initiatives related to unhealthy alcohol use, advancing heart health, and managing urinary incontinence.
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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Quality Improvement Program

As part of our legacy work through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Quality Improvement Program, check out the Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network’s Final Report which summarizes key health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries.
Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network’s Final Report