On the Mission page of the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) website, President and CEO, Shawn Griffin, MD, declares “At URAC, we seek to inspire health organizations and communities to deliver a higher level of care.” The page goes on to say that URAC knows “equity and inclusion can be improved. It’s our intention to continually define and write standards that elevate health care for each individual. Every person matters. Every person deserves the best care.” Figuring out how to get to that higher level of care can be a complex and challenging endeavor for most healthcare organizations. That’s why, in 1990, the newly incorporated URAC created standards and metrics that allow organizations to receive URAC accreditation. The accreditation shows that, through careful data collection and validation, an organization has reached an elevated level of healthcare delivery. Today, URAC offers dozens of accreditation programs to help healthcare organizations provide the best, most efficient health care at the lowest cost.
URAC accreditation is a multi-step process of data collection and validation. In healthcare, where it’s difficult to consistently measure outcomes between and within organizations, having a third-party organization—like URAC—allows healthcare providers and administrators to see how their organizations are performing using a set of predetermined metrics. Like the shiny gold star atop a school test, the URAC accreditation gold star lets everyone who sees it know that this organization has met the high standards set by URAC’s various panels of experts.
Accreditation happens in three steps: first, the organization applies to URAC to be accredited. For the remainder of that year, the organization reviews the required metrics for their area and adjusts their workflows, data tracking, and data storage systems to ensure they are tracking and collecting the required data. Next, the organization collects data for an entire calendar year for all mandatory metrics. The final step includes data validation by a URAC-approved validating organization such as MetaStar and the submission of that data to URAC. For example: if an organization applies to URAC in 2024, they collect their first year of data in 2025, and they would have their data validated for URAC submission in 2026. Data submission is required each year the organization wishes to be URAC-accredited.
Each URAC accreditation program has mandatory metrics used to evaluate their organizations. For example, mail service pharmacies will report on their prescription dispensing accuracy, such as the number of labels with incorrect patient addresses. This will be reported as a numerator (number of prescription labels with incorrect addresses) and a denominator (total number of prescriptions) to create a percentage of prescriptions with incorrect addresses. Measurement rates can then be assessed to find areas of improvement or areas of exceptional competence.
During the validation process, MetaStar helps “confirm that the pharmacies/organizations are collecting the appropriate data and calculating the measure rates correctly,” said Ross Gatzke, the URAC data validation lead at MetaStar, during a recent interview. This means providing the organization with documentation to help them through the validation process, confirming they are collecting the correct data, and ensuring the organization is ready to report the required information to URAC. “For most of the mandatory measures that URAC has, organizations typically already have a data collection process in place,” Gatzke continued. “A lot of times, they just have to make some updates to meet the technical specifications [set by URAC.]”
MetaStar provides top-tier data validation services for pharmacies, which are the only organizations that require data validation for URAC accreditation. MetaStar validators continuously review submitted data and measure rates through the validation process. “It helps the organization feel at ease and get confirmation that they are reporting the measures accurately to URAC,” Gatzke explained. If any issues are found, the organization has time to adjust and run more data checks to ensure the final submission to URAC accurately portrays what happens at their organization.
MetaStar is one of the five URAC-approved data validation vendors. When deciding which vendor to choose, consider the following:
Organizations praise MetaStar’s work, data validators, and customer service. Here’s what they say:
If your organization wants top-of-the-line URAC data validation from a leader in the industry with proven, positive results, MetaStar URAC data validation services is the obvious choice. Contact Manny Martin, Vice President of Commercial Services at MetaStar, at 608-441-8264 or mmartin@metastar.com for more information or to get the contracting process started today.