Navigating the complexities of health information technology (IT) can be challenging for everyone working in or receiving health care. Behavioral health providers and organizations face unique challenges related to electronic health record (EHR) implementation, privacy and security, data integration and interoperability, and funding. Starting in 2011, non-hospital-based physicians, some hospitals, and Medicare Advantage programs were eligible to receive assistance and incentive payments through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) EHR incentive programs. Behavioral Health providers were not eligible to participate in the CMS Incentive Programs. To bridge this gap, MetaStar offers the Behavioral Health (BH) Connect program, which helps providers use health IT to implement, optimize, and improve care.
The BH Connect program was designed based on the findings from a previous initiative that extended health IT technical assistance and training to Medicaid-enrolled behavioral health providers in Wisconsin. Twenty-nine organizations received assistance in the Behavioral Health Initiative (BHI) program which took place in 2020 and 2021. The BH Connect program builds upon the lessons learned from BHI and aims to outreach to over 200 BH providers that serve Medicaid members in the first two years of the project.
The BH Connect program provides support at no cost to the provider or organization, as it is covered by a contract with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Division of Medicaid Services. BH practices and organizations often cite cost and staffing challenges as barriers to EHR implementation or optimization. This program is a valuable opportunity for them to receive assistance at no cost. “It’s hard for providers to believe this assistance is available at no cost to them,” explains Mona Mathews, Program Manager of Healthcare Transformation at MetaStar. Behavioral Health providers and organizations who provide services to Medicaid-enrolled patients can join the program. An email to will start the process and the health IT assessment.
BH Connect provides participants access to customized support and assistance. Providers and organizations complete an initial assessment and access aligned resources independently through the BH Connect online community platform. One-on-one assistance with MetaStar project specialists is also provided where appropriate. Topics like security risk assessments (SRAs), health information exchange (HIE), data privacy, EHR selection, information blocking, etc., can be overwhelming. The MetaStar BH Connect team provides support tailored to the unique needs in behavioral health, guiding BH providers and organizations through complex challenges.
Providers and organizations that join BH Connect complete a health IT needs assessment to evaluate how technology is currently used and identify specific needs such as EHR selection, and HIE, among others. A project specialist guides the process during a one-on-one meeting, or if an organization prefers, they can complete the assessment independently and follow up with a project specialist. Mathews said, “We set up time with them to walk through the questions and also provide some guidance.”
The BH Connect team has a unique structure, featuring project specialist teams dedicated to two key areas of expertise: health IT and BH. “This team structure results in customized technical assistance and resources designed to meet the unique needs of behavioral health providers.” shares Mathews.
MetaStar designed a custom online SRA tool that simplifies the annual process. The MetaStar SRA tool was developed based on guidelines from the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ASTP/ONC).
Questions help MetaStar staff identify areas of risk associated with handling and safeguarding protected health information (PHI) including identifying threats and vulnerabilities that may affect the security of electronic PHI.
Mathews explains, “Using the ONC SRA information, MetaStar created simple yes and no questions.” The system allows the user to answer questions, flag questions, and return later to answers if more information is needed. Then, the system processes the responses and provides a risk mitigation plan.
“Every question also provides guidance,” Mathews continues, “You can click the guidance, and it explains the question in detail, including suggested documentation. In most cases, this step-by-step process can be guided by MetaStar project specialists. However, we are finding that those familiar with doing SRAs can complete much of the process on their own. Whether a provider requires one-on-one assistance or wants to do their own SRA using the MetaStar tool, there is no cost to the provider or organization.”
After the SRA is complete and a mitigation plan has been established, MetaStar’s project specialists provide active support to prioritize corrective actions the provider or organization can do to reduce the security risks identified in the SRA.
In some recent SRAs, MetaStar staff worked with participants on:
The BH Connect online community is another no-cost resource available to participants. It provides a forum to connect with peers, download resources (including policy and procedure templates), real-time and on-demand education on topics such as 42 CRF Part 2, interoperability, EHR selection, and more. The platform connects providers and organizations and provides direct access to MetaStar’s project specialists.
The BH Connect program provides Wisconsin Medicaid-enrolled BH providers with a valuable opportunity to improve their health IT capabilities at no cost. In the first year of the project the BH Connect team has engaged with over 150 organizations to provide education, technical assistance, and resources to address their health IT needs. Privacy and Security and understanding interoperability are the top needs of participants receiving technical assistance. Since launching the online SRA application in November 2024, the BH Connect team has kicked off 13 SRAs. This no-cost SRA generates a final report that includes a Risk Mitigation work plan that allows organizations to address their risks and document their process.
From personalized expert support to comprehensive tools like the custom SRA Application and access to an engaging online community, BH Connect ensures you have the resources needed to improve care through health IT.
Don’t let the barriers of cost or complexity stop you from optimizing your practice; join the BH Connect program today. Reach out to us at to begin your health IT assessment and unlock the full potential of your practice.